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Anonymizer Total Net Shield™ v2.08
If you try to login and you get error messages in the Log stating “Could not login due to authentication failure” and “SSH_ DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION”, this means either your username and/or password you entered is incorrect, you are not connected to the Internet, or your Firewall is blocking the Total Net Shield from accessing the Internet. Please recheck these options and try again.

To Login, simply enter your username and password, then click on the Login button on the right. If you get an error message in the log stating “SSH Session: connection attempt unsuccessful. Error resolving connect to address: gethostbyname() failed: Windows error 11004: The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found.” This means you are either not connected to the Internet while the software is trying to log in or you have a firewall on your computer that may be blocking the Total Net Shield from accessing the Internet or acting as a server. Please make sure you are connected and you are not blocking it with a firewall and try to login again.

To Logout, click on the Logout button to the right. Please note: Logging out will turn OFF the secure tunneling but your settings will still be configured to connect to the service. If you want to surf the Internet and not be protected by Anonymizer Total Net Shield, please click on the “Running in Secure Mode” lock to the left of the screen. Doing this will route your Internet traffic through the software but it will not be protected or anonymous while in this mode.

When you initially connect you are going to be “Running in Secure Mode.” Whatever programs you have configured to go through the software and to our servers are going to be secured and you will be protected.

While “Running in Insecure Mode” your icon down by your clock will show as a red icon instead of green. Your main Total Net Shield screen will also indicate you are “Running in Insecure Mode” and in the Active Listening Ports you will see this option has changed to use the Built in HTTP Proxy setting. Please note: Doing this will route your Internet traffic through the software but it will not be protected by our SSH servers, in other words, your surfing is not secure or anonymous while in this mode.

The error “Listening Manager: Listening on failed. Only one usage of each socket address is normally permitted.” is commonly caused by having more than one Total Net Shield service running. You would see multiple icons below by your clock in your system tray.