As of September 15, 2009 Anonymizer Anti-Spyware is no longer supported.
Click the Start Scan button to scan your computer for spyware and adware files. The program will load definition files first, which are needed to detect spyware, before the actual scan begins. After the definition files are loaded, the scan will begin automatically. As Anonymizer Anti-Spyware progresses through the definition loading and scanning process, you will see the progress indicator rotating and the file display area below the scan button.
Smart Scan
A Smart Scan is a fast way to search for spyware on your computer. Smart Scan looks in the most common locations in the system registry and on your hard drive for known traces of spyware.
Full Scan
A Full Scan is, as the name implies, a more thorough search that will take longer than a Smart Scan, checking every file on your computer and evaluating them against our spyware definitions database.
Drive Selection
If you have more than one hard drive on your computer, you can select it to be included in a spyware scan. Simply check the box next to the drive. You can also elect to do a minimal scan of your registry by unchecking the drive boxes. This is still an effective, quick scan since a great deal of spyware is commonly found in the registry.
Scan Satus
This section displays the areas of your computer that are checked during a scan. Anti-Spyware first checks the running Processes, before moving on to the Registry. After that, if your hard drive is selected for scanning, Anti-Spyware will then scan all of the folders and files on that drive.
Scan Completion
When a scan is complete, you will see this Scan Completion dialog. This window is for your convenience, especially if you have minimized or hidden the Anti-Spyware program during the scan. If you prefer not to see this dialog, you may disable it by checking the Do not display this window after a scan box.
$(‘#side_nav a:contains(“Scan”)’).addClass(‘active’);